“Every church should be a training school for Christian workers. Its members should be taught how to give Bible readings, conduct and teach Sabbath-school classes, how best to help the poor and care for the sick, and work for the unconverted. There should be schools of health, cooking schools, and classes in various lines of Christian help work. There should not only be teaching but actual work under experienced instructors. Let the teachers lead the way in working among the people, and others, uniting with them, will learn from their example. One example is worth more than many precepts.” (Ministry of Healing 149.2). Personal Ministry is a facet of the church whose origin can be traced to the beginning of Seventh-day Adventist® history in the 1860s. It endeavors to inspire, motivate, equip, train, and mobilize all members for active Christian service with the conviction that “The church of Christ is organized for service” (Ministry of Healing, p. 148) and “Every son and daughter of God is called to be a missionary; we are called to the service of God and our fellow men” (The Ministry of Healing, p. 395).